Today I started my visual cryptography project.

1.        What is visual cryptography?

=>    Visual cryptography is a technique by which we can secure the secret msg written on an image.

2.        How visual cryptography works?

=>      1.    Simple visual cryptography machine which takes the image that is to be transported safely.

          2.    Then it divides that image using a certain algorithm into two images or layers.

          3.    These layers are transported to the receiver and then the receiver overlaps these images.

          4.    After overlapping these images the receiver gets the original message which was written                             in the original image sent by the sender.

          5.    Note that the image sent by the sender and image received by the receiver is not at all same bit                  by  bit but it is sufficient such that the receiver can understand the secret message.

3.         Let me show you one example =>

=>        Let the secret message to be sent is [S]

            Original Image (sent by sender) =>


            Layer 1 =>


            Layer 2 =>


            Image recieved by recierver  or by overlapping layer 1 and layer 2=>



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